Single mother, daughter, sister, friend, violinist, performer, teacher. Music is my gift. As a child I practiced violin 3-8 hours a day and couldn't imagine life without it. I was raised by my incredible parents who are still married 40 years later. Sometimes I feel like an outsider for being divorced while my 3 sisters & brother are all happily married. My family is in Europe but I love visiting them each summer. My worst day was when I realized I could no longer trust the person I was married to. I had allowed someone else to define me. I was weak & needed love. I felt I was never good enough. It took me time to realize you can't make someone love you & that I am good enough. I got divorced when my daughter was 4 months. Her father moved away. I was ashamed of becoming a "divorcee". It took me a year to tell people and almost another year to feel ok with it. I worry about my little girl. I worry that I am not a good enough mom. I wonder if I'm making the right decisions. I fear she will grow up feeling her father doesn't love her. She's 2 now and I worry about when she'll start asking questions. What answers will I give to her to be sure she feels like the most precious and loved angel? It's hard balancing 7 day work weeks with being a full time mom. I juggle diaper changes, naps, baths, & playtime with teaching over 40 students at 3 different schools, conservatory & my own private studio. I wish people were more kind & less selfish. I'd tell a 12 year old me that it's okay to play a wrong note & that life will go on. I'm excited about so many things right now. I love watching my students learn new music. I'm excited to teach my daughter to swim & ride a bike. Success is achieving what I want for myself. I feel happiness when I see others happy. Beauty is found in strength & confidence. In 10 years I hope to be bringing my pre-teen daughter to my performances & spending quality time with her. I am proud of my strength & independence. I believe in my dreams. I prepare for the worst but hope for the best. I am strong, confident and hard working. I am a proud mother and teacher. I am Egle and I love my life in Boston.